Do Something WOW at Retirement


Seniors, what is that WOW you so desire? This is your chance at living it. Some of us may think this WOW is beyond our means. Maybe it is. But this is the challenge, and having one at retirement makes life more exciting. 

We are now retired for 20 years the joy of early retirement) and each year is an adventure. Some are fun and easy and smooth sailing. Others are more challenging, but all these contribute to what retirement is all about.

Before we retired, we struggled about what we will do. We had options laid out. We were clear about what we did not want, but we had no clue about what we wanted to do.

I remember our many walks on Siesta Key Beach in Florida, talking endlessly about what we wanted to do. Each of us is often left with thoughts on the implications of these possibilities.

We were concerned. We were uncertain. We were afraid of what the future held for us. We were afraid of where our dreams would bring us or how the dream of one of us would affect our lives. We hesitated to think as we did not want so many changes to our already happy existence.

But we knew that we could not just sit and watch endless streams of movies on television. We had to explore opportunities out there. We were still too young not to be engaged.

Once we started, we just kept going. We used our experience to create our consulting and did this for 20 years. We cannot even tell you how much we enjoyed it. Until now, we have friends and colleagues with whom we worked and shared life.

We would take contracts only scheduled for the winter months, which we wanted to avoid in Canada. Summer months were reserved for family. Our families lived in different parts of the world, so Summer became our particular time with each other.

Enough of my own experience. Now, back to you.

What image comes to you when retirement looms on your horizon? The end of fun? A quiet life? A trip somewhere? A life with family? Live your dream?

Most of us think of that day when we can do what we like. Often, we associate this with retirement. But I tell you honestly, many of us now retired sometimes feel that we still cannot do this. 

Yes, we find that our days are spent in countless little errands that by the time the day is over, there is no more time to do what we like other than stretch out and have that glass of wine. Does this count? Most of our friends will say yes. 

Of course, it depends on your own goal.

Many retirees enjoy doing little errands and taking care of grandchildren. Full-time grandmas fill up their time, and this is their life. 

I know many of my friends do this, and they enjoy it. They accompany their grandchildren to their swimming practice and piano lessons or bring them to school. It depends on what you want to do. 

My husband is not the only one. We just worked with someone who is 73 years old and already had three heart attacks. He loves to collect rare ceramics in blue, and he works to be able to buy the more expensive ones, which may overstretch his retirement pension.

Younger people now work harder and smarter to reach a much younger age to retire and live the lifestyle they want. Others declare early retirement and live it NOW.

The style you choose to live your retirement depends on you. Many people now retire early. Once they have achieved their commitment and goals, they’re gone. But many continue to get engaged. My husband retired when he was 53.

He was one of those lucky ones to have that freedom at such a young age, but he continued working until he passed on at 75. This time, he was doing what he liked. He was no longer responsible for an organization, so the stress was less, and he enjoyed what he was doing.

How will you live your retirement?

The quality of your retirement will largely depend on the plan you have laid out, not when you’re about to retire but early in your life. 

There are retirement concerns you can plan for, but you will only discover others when you are retired. But planning for the ones you know will help you deal with those concerns that you only find out as you live your retirement.

The good news is you have more wisdom to deal with these challenges, so look forward to these as opportunities to expand your life. Having these challenges may still be the best thing to ever happen to you.

Chase your Passion at Retirement: Kick Start a Hobby

The voyage to retirement is often much better than the reality of arriving and sitting on your duff waiting to turn off the switch!  

While the Senior years can be a dream world which most of us eagerly anticipate, their arrival can be a bit of a let-down. I’ll bet you have friends with too much time on their hands, bored, restless, and ultimately less content than they were when dreaming of the vintage years’ sunny beaches.

Hobbies, whether they’re low-key or reach-for-the-stars, are one of the best and most time-honoured ways to “de-retire” or at least ward off the “it’s all over blues”. 

In fact, many retirees credit their hobbies with keeping them young…or at least keeping them alive! Look next to you. If your Grumpy is sliding up to retirement with no real activities in the planning bag, act now. An active Grumpy is a joy compared with a gnarled couch spud parked in a broken lawn chair!

One of our friends clearly said that she can listen to her husband talk about his collections for up to 30 minutes but beyond that, she just can’t do it so she wants her husband to volunteer in a museum. There, he can share about his knowledge and people will appreciate it.

We laughed when our friend shared this but we are in the same boat. I used to teasingly ask my husband when we walk in our city streets who would be his next victim. Once he engages the person to a conversation, the person is doomed. Unless, the person is able to extricate himself, it could take a good amount of time.

How to Choose a Hobby

No hobby? No problem – choosing one is exciting, and couldn’t be simpler. Remember back in high school, when a counsellor asked you what you would do for a living if you didn’t have to worry about money? Now’s the time to indulge that passion! 

If you find yourself stuck, there are several things you can try. Asking your buddies is a great way to go and watching their activities for ideas. What draws your interest.? What really gets you excited? They may provide answers that surprise you! 

Sitting down and letting your mind drift is another great way to choose a hobby. Don’t let Grumpy do this one…he’ll simply doze off!  What do you daydream about? Where does your mind go, during the course of a normal day, when you’re not focused on an activity? These can be excellent indicators of the territory where you’ll find a hobby you’ll truly love. 

If all else fails, you can try researching hobbies online. You’re not the only one ‘stuck’ trying to find engagement.  You’ll find many a wild range of ideas stuck together by desperate oldies that refuse to rust out, including lists of things to try in order to discover a pastime. 

These ‘mini’ hobby lists often ask you to try one activity for just a few hours. In most cases, you’ll know right away if a particular activity is something you’ll enjoy. From chess to car repair, knitting to gardening all the way to bird watching (the feathered kind…keep Grumpy glued!)

Revitalizing a Current Hobby 

Perhaps you already have a hobby, but your enthusiasm has flagged over the years. If you still feel a basic interest in this particular activity, there are plenty of ways to revitalize that yesteryear hobby and make it feel brand-new!  (Ahhh..if only we could do that with our Grumpies!)

Gardening is, perhaps, one of the most popular hobbies for people of all ages. In fact, it’s even becoming trendy! As a result, there are resources out there which you may never have considered. Your area may have a community garden, a place where locals volunteer their time. 

A friend of ours who also happens to be our doctore decided to fold up her practice and do gardening. She has never been happier. Everyday, she dances in her fields as she looks forward to the produce she can enjoy. What agreat way to destress your life.

The resulting bounty is usually either enjoyed during communal meals or donated to a local food bank. How about a herb patch on a balcony or a few butterfly magnet flowers close to your door.

If you’d rather garden closer to home, why not try something completely new? Try your hand at heirlooms – these unbelievably delicious and brightly-coloured varieties haven’t changed a bit for (often) over one hundred years!  It’s better to grow heirlooms than become one.

Perhaps you’ve always enjoyed fishing on weekends and holidays. Now’s the perfect time to upgrade your equipment, try out an undiscovered fishing spot, or even take a fishing vacation! Experienced guides are available all over the world, whether you’re after walleye or sharks! Listen to an audiobook while dangling your line.

I used to love painting but did not have much time to hone in my skills. Now, I have time and I enjoy learning how to use the different media from watercolours to oils and acrylics. It helps in dealing with boredom and loneliness as well as gives direction to one’s days.

Some of my Senior friends learn new skills like sewing and enjoy creating clothes for themselves. It is only when you try several possibilities that you discover what really makes you feel alive and happy. So, keep trying out new hobbies until you settle on one that really makes your days worth looking forward to.

Some Seniors even earn from their hobbies. I met two Seniors when I visited Quebec City. One is a painter and he has a stall right in the tourist area of Quebec City and he uses his talent to paint people. My friend and I had ourselves painted and we enjoyed the experience so much. I think we also put smiles in the faces of people passing and looking at us.

The other one loves to sing and she sings in a park close to the famous Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. She even has records of her songs that she sells to those who love listening to her. Not only does she earn, she also makes so many people happy as they stop, sit in one of the benches and sing along with her. Some tourists even dance as they listen to her. What a wonderful way to live one’s Senior years.

Regardless of your current hobby, the same principles can be applied. Do a bit of research and build on an activity you already enjoy. This will give your hobby a new life, and lend some real excitement to your retirement!  Grumpy loves birds and spends time whistling in the garden in full communication. Bird feeders…baths…..birdhouses…a whirling inferno of feathered tweeters.  Having a hobby is everything!

Make your Senior Years a Golden Dream

Thirty-five years of working for “the man” and the feet are going up. 

I am outta here! Life plan? No kidding, it’s retirement. 

The money is just about enough…the debts are nil…..I’ve done fairly well….. give me my parachute!

Getting to the magic age when we can say goodbye to our 9-5 job and enjoy our freedom is a big golden dream that carries many folks through employment thick and thin. Lawyer, manager, caretaker or caregiver…the vision carries us on.

As we work our hours and pay our retirement and pension plans, we look forward to this like a desert hiker looks forward to a glass of water. Schemes and dreams as we build the means and endless panting blather to whoever will listen. 

The plan is solid…..we think, without realizing that we are just focusing on the financial part of retirement and forgetting what we really need is a life plan.

How is retirement like?

Having fun yet?

Are you enjoying your retirement?

The dream is thinning like a New England fog. A massive billboard comes up on the Life Highway with an Uncle Sam like finger-pointing at our forehead saying “YOU ARE BORED”.

OK…something part-time so I don’t have to stare at the dog 24/7. Not so easy. 

We can hardly find jobs even at the burger-flipping level because there are so many young ones in line ahead. 

Even volunteer jobs are tough to find as students compete to complete their community involvement points required by most schools. 

Try to get an extra street to canvass in the annual Stroke and Heart door to door and the granny mafia will attack with umbrellas.

Some have gone online, opened a blog and are doing very well.  (Thank goodness for WordPress and its ilk). Others build trains, fly miniature planes, paint and sculpt or just become pests as an unwanted neighbourhood watch peeking out their windows.

Each of us has a different experience. I have friends who are very happy working in their garden, doing crafts, becoming full-time grandparents and washing their cars.

Some have gone online, opened a blog and are doing very well. Others build trains, fly miniature planes, paint and sculpt or just become pests as an unwanted neighbourhood watch peeking out their windows.

Did you have a life plan for retirement? Below are some of the varied answers we get:

Yes, I planned very well my life after retiring from my job

No, I just wanted out, I did not even bother to think about it

I had dreams of things I wanted to do but did not really plan for it

I had ideas but that’s all

Bismarck, the master planner of 65 as the key retirement age didn’t talk much about life planning as he assumed we would all be dead at 67. (He was right in the late 19th century). A lifetime of bad food, dangerous jobs and quixotic health care usually didn’t result in a long leisurely retirement.

The world then was a bad Dickens novel with brutish and short as key descriptors of life. This does not seem to be true now when people are still healthy when they retire and hang on for 2 decades or more before eternity.

The first day…..the first month….maybe the first six months……”man…this is livin'” After a year in retirement, when we have read books till we Kindle Callused and played golf/tennis/tai chi till the image palled. 

When you have visited all the places on your bucket list and listened to Bach until your eyes were crossed…. so many retirees, yourself included, realize that the books look blurred, the games are slow motion and the travel budget is competing with the insurance bills. Hmmmmmm. 

7 Reasons to Celebrate Ageing

Celebrating Ageing
Celebrating Ageing in a Song

Ageing with anger is a specialty of Irish poets, American novelists and, ah, maybe, Indian pilots. For the rest of us, ageing can be an absolute joy.

If we’re fortunate, a sense of grace falls over us. Although enigmatic smiles sometimes betray indigestion or even secret flatulence, they can also suggest that we’ve come to terms with our lives, that we can live with our histories, that we’re not competitive in our legacies and that the world is not only the place to be but by far the best.

Money could be a part of this, but looking at poor villagers in any Asian country, the smile of peace is there; the sense of being a part of a family’s history and its endless future has brought watchful contentment. 

Here are a few key reasons that ageing can be a blessing:

1. We enjoy life

Laughing at our own and others’ foibles leads to curious glances from others, but it can make an average day a good one.

My friend recently told me that sometimes, while doing something as ordinary as cleaning her house, she stops and enjoys feeling really happy. We seldom felt this before, if we ever did. We were so busy with living that we did not have time to pause and feel our joy.

But now, we have the time to savour whatever we feel; better still, whatever we think, they no longer threaten us. Life has taught us that nothing stays. The next moment, it’s going to be different. Everything turns for the good.

2. We celebrate what we have 

We climbed the mountains; we poked around in a few depths, and we can now relax and stop wrestling with missed promises.

We have nothing to prove. We’ve gone beyond that. You have not grown if you are still trying to outdo your friends. By this time, your friends know you well and accept you as you are, so relax and get yourself and enjoy life by just being you.

Some in our circle of Seniors have not yet reached this moment of self-acceptance. They still try to prove they are somebody, so they get stressed over little things that do not support their image of themselves. They do everything to prove they are better than anyone else and pressure their kids to enhance their image. But because we really can’t control circumstances and people like our kids, we get frustrated and eventually depressed.

With depression comes poor health and sickness. It’s our way of manipulating people and events. Our Senior years must not be like this. It must be enjoyed and lived joyfully. Let the cares and concerns of our earlier lives go and embrace what is, enjoy it and cherish whatever you have.

Nothing like the breath of life felt every morning could compare to all these concerns. Enjoy every day. Remember, we have a limited supply of these, so enjoy every moment.

3. We accept our shortcomings

In our 40s and 50s, mirrors are a tragedy. As we age and gently become self-caricatures, not just physically but emotionally, our weaknesses fit nicely with what we’ve become.

No longer do we have shortcomings. We realize that shortcomings are part of life and will always be there. We know this from experience, so we can now laugh when we look at them. We can’t deny the aching body, the stooping posture, the wrinkled face, the constant reminder of arthritis, and the blurred vision. We do something about them, but we don’t let these stop us from enjoying our lives.

Yes, what we have become is what we celebrate in our Senior years. When we look at each of us, we can observe so many things in our last 60, 70, 80 or 90 years of life. Just as we have reached this age alive, we should be happy. This, alone, is reason to celebrate.

4. We have clearer priorities mainly because we don’t have so many of them. 

We have time and space to focus on what is essential, whether learning family or sports nostalgia or the craziness of politics. We can pick our spots. Besides, age has made us realize that only a few things matter. The many things we pursued when we were younger no longer have the same intensity in our Senior years.

5. We accept our grumpiness and go and hide when we feel it coming on. 

The random savaging of children, grandchildren and trim adherents is at last controlled.

Age has taught us that most things can be managed. Also, we have less stress, so very few things worry us. We have reached an age when we know we can no longer do much, so we let go.

6. We embrace everything that we are

More searching for who we are? We’ve stopped that. We have accepted who we are, knowing it or not.

I remember the angst of my younger years when we were driven by learning what careers fit us, what I do with my life, how I could improve myself, what job would be fun for me and many more. Now, I laugh at the fact that I still don’t really know myself at my age and will never fully know as it reveals more each time I think I have a handle on what I am.

7. Most importantly, we can reflect on our lives and the ages we’ve lived through.

Even if our own story is not filled with drama, the headlines, achievements, and tragedies of the world that have been our companion can consume hours of review and end with some tentative conclusions or insights that, if we’re cautious, we can sell to the young as wisdom.

So, ageing is not the only thing we have ahead of us. It may also be the best time of your life.

7 Ways for Seniors to Be Organic

Eat clean. We hear this all the time. We all know we should eat right, and today, that often means choosing organic foods instead of commercially grown, pesticide-laden options.

Seniors Going Organic
Garden in the MET Cloister

However, for those living on a fixed income, the high costs of organic foods can become an obstacle. Only though if you let high cost stop you. There are other ways you can enjoy organic food without making a dent in your budget. Try these:

1. Seasonal Shopping
2. The “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” 
3. Frozen Options 
4. Understanding Eggs 
5. Wild-Caught and Grass-Fed
6. Understanding GMOs
7. Organic Vegetable Garden

The best way, of course, is to plant your own vegetables. Even urban dwellers are now trying their best to do this. 

There are balconies and rooftops for those who have no outside plots. Start small and build it. Window sills will do. When we stayed in serviced apartments working in Asia, I often filled our sills with pots laden with herbs which I can easily snip and add to smoothies and dishes. 

Now, in our condo here in downtown Toronto, I still plant herbs and greens I can snip to add to smoothies or salads. If it is important, we do find ways of making it happen. 

1. Seasonal Shopping

Shopping according to the seasons is a great way to not only obtain organically grown produce at lower prices but to add a greater variety of produce to your diet. 

Certain produce is locally available only at specific times during the year. However, thanks to commercial farming and preservation methods like canning and freezing, we have access to virtually any vegetable or fruit throughout the year. This is great for convenience, and there’s nothing wrong with quality canned or frozen produce. 

Shopping according to the seasons, however, allows you to obtain the highest nutrient value for the least amount of money. 

Often, this has to do with how far they are transported and how thin their skins are. Clean 15, on the other hand, is a list of foods which, although organic is always best, can usually be regarded as ‘safe’ in terms of pesticide levels.

The MET Cloister Garden
TheNew York MET Cloister Garden

Fresh produce is nearly always higher in vitamins, minerals and bio-nutrients than canned or frozen varieties. By purchasing these items – either from a farmers’ market or the organic section of your supermarket – you’ll be getting more nutritional bang for your buck. 

2. The “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” 

These easy-to-remember guidelines refer to specific foods. The Dirty Dozen consists of foods which, for a variety of reasons, are usually loaded with pesticides. 

Dirty Dozen – Apples, Celery, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Grapes, Hot Peppers, Nectarines (imported), Peaches, Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Sweet Peppers, Greens and Summer Squash. 

Clean 15 – Asparagus, Avocados, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Sweet Corn, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Mangoes, Mushrooms, Onions, Papayas, Pineapples, Sweet Peas (frozen) and Sweet Potatoes. 

With a list in hand, you can make more informed decisions at the supermarket. Spend a bit more on the Dirty Dozen by purchasing organically while choosing traditional Clean 15 options.

3. Frozen Options 
As freezing methods improve, more produce options are available in the freezer case. 

These options are superior to canned produce in terms of nutrient density, and many organic varieties are available. 

Look for flash-frozen whenever possible; this method preserves the highest levels of nutrients. 

4. Understanding Eggs 

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but the type of eggs you buy is important. 

Commercially raised eggs are typically loaded with antibiotics, due to the filthy, cramped living conditions of chickens. As a result, these eggs may contain things you don’t’ want in your own body. 

The term ‘free-range’ is a step up, but, thanks to loopholes in the guidelines which regulate farming, these chickens are also living in dirty, cramped areas – the only difference is they have a small outdoor pen. 

To obtain the most responsible, healthiest eggs, choose ‘pastured.’ This term indicates that the chickens which produced the eggs are allowed to roam freely and feed on a wide – and natural – variety of insects and grains. As a result, they require fewer (or no) antibiotics, and their eggs are believed to be higher in nutrients. 

5. Wild-Caught and Grass-Fed
You may have seen these labels on fish and meat selections. Although labelling regulations aren’t as strict as they might be, these are generally good indications that the product was caught or raised responsibly. 

In general, wild-caught and grass-fed options are considered to be safer, due to their lower (or nonexistent) antibiotic levels. They are also typically higher in nutrients. 

Remember to always look for labels which specifically state “USDA Organic,” “Antibiotic Free” and “Pesticide Free.” You may see all three on the same product, although “USDA Organic” indicates that no antibiotics or pesticides were used in production. This includes the grass and feed livestock are raised on, and even the soil in which that grass and feed were grown. 

While these options typically cost more, switching to a diet with more vegetables and less protein can help to offset the costs. 

6. Understanding GMOs
You may have seen GMO-Free on food labels recently – this is due to a consumer backlash regarding the use of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). These hybrid plants are believed by many to present risks to humans, simply because they are not natural and may encourage a host of unhealthy side effects such as tumour growth and excess estrogen production. 

Purchasing GMO-Free options, whenever possible, is a great way to safeguard against the largely unknown potential effects of consuming GMOs.

Vegetable Garden in Monticello
Vegetable Garden in Monticello

7. An Organic Vegetable Garden
Nothing can beat your own organic vegetable garden. This will supply you the best produce to eat. The produce will also be very fresh so not only will they be delicious but also much more healthy. 

Gardening will also make you more active contributing to your overall health. The joy you derive from watching your plants grow and giving you fruits make it all worthwhile. Start now.